
A tag allows people to reach the site. There are 10 maximum by apartment. Each tag is unique by its n° of series. If it is lost or stolen, you only have to reprogram new to invalidate the old one.
See Tags Management


A transmitter allows his owner to order Radio Frequency Central Unit (car park door for example) to reach the site by its function 'Proximity'. There are 3 maximum by apartment. Each transmitter is unique by its n° of series. If it is lost or stolen, you only have to reprogram new to invalidate the old one.
See Transmitters Management

Within Lagune, a n° of apartment is composed of 4 digits.
See Apartments Management

A site represents a residential unit equipped with one access control to be managed jointly. It is single by the code site which identifies. Under Lagune, you can manage sites as many as you wish.
See Sites Management

The base or bases of data contains the whole of your programmings and seizures on the interface. Your base is preserved on a protected server and is accessible only by people whom you authorized.
It is of format SQL
Coder USB
Coder USB is usable with driver lagune and must be launched before connection to the Web site Lagune.
Importation Excel table
To facilitate creation apartments, it is possible to seize them under Excel in the file "bases virgin Excel.csv" to download here .
Caution : the extension should not be changed into.xls !
Master keys
A Master key allows the manager or service providers to reach several sites. It can be programmed with time constraints: completion date of validity.
See Management of master keys
Each user has rights on programming of its sites. They are configured by the administrator General.
See Users Management
Seek of a tag in your database.