Passes Management  

Addition of a Pass

A pass is a tag which allows access to several sites. It can be permanently or temporarily valid, with restrictions on using times.

In order to access the pass management, click icon .

After creating the sites which you wish to accede to, click icon . In order to create a pass, it is imperative to capture the authorized sites as well as a name and a number allowing the identification of the pass.

If 2 passes (or more) are created with same number, the central unit which reads the pass will kill all the other same number passes. Those killed passes won't be available with Lagune application anymore.
So please create new passes with new numbers (like sequential numbers) to avoid any doubloon with pass number.

Two configurations are possible :

After having clicked "Validate", you can encode a tag by oppressing button
If everything went well :

If an error was made during the encoding operation, please refer to the following table which includes the needed solutions :

Type of error message Solution(s)
Reading error Restart the operation
Tag not congruent

Your tag is not a tag from Immotec.
Please contact your dealer.

Erroneous tag type Attention! The tag laid on the encoder is not a tag of the Pass type. The pass encoding will not be possible.
Please contact your dealer.
Impossible encoding

Restart the operation.
If the error happens again, the tag may be defective.
In this case, please contact your dealer.


The tag information can be modified at any time.
Attention! If you update the validity or the access right, re-encoding the tag is imperative for the information in this tag to be valid.


A pass which has been already encoded is cancelled for good from the data base.